A = New Artboard
S = Slice
R = Rectangle
U = Rounded rectangle
O = Oval
L = Line
V = Vector Point
P = Pencil
T = Text
Canvas View
Alt + Tab = Focus on first input field
Cmd (+) + = Zoom in
Cmd (+) - = Zoom out
Cmd + 0 = Actual size
Cmd + 1 = Center canvas
Cmd + 2 = Zoom selection
Cmd + 3 = Center selection
Control + R = Toggle rulers
Control + G = Toggle grid
Control + L = Toggle layer guides
Control + P = Toggle pixels
Control + H = Toggle selection handles
Control + X = Toggle pixel grid
§ = Temporary zoom to actual size
Alt + Cmd + 1 = Toggle layers list
Alt + Cmd + 2 = Toggle inspector
Alt + Cmd + 3 = Toggle layers, inspector
Alt + Cmd + T = Toggle toolbar
Cmd + ~ = Toggle between documents
Cmd + . = Presentation mode
Control + Cmd + F = Enter fullscreen
Cmd + B = Bold
Cmd + I = Italic
Cmd + U = Underline
Alt + Cmd (+) + = Increase font size
Alt + Cmd (+) - = Decrease font size
Alt + Control + L = Increase character spacing
Alt + Control + T = Decrease character spacing
Cmd + T = Change font
Cmd + Shift + { = Align left
Cmd + Shift + | = Align center
Cmd + Shift + } = Align right
Control + Cmd + Space = Special characters
Shift + Cmd + O = Convert text to outlines
Editing Shapes
Alt + Cmd + U = Union
Alt + Cmd + S = Substract
Alt + Cmd + I = Intersect
Alt + Cmd + X = Difference
Cmd + Alt = Keep current selection
Cmd + Arrows = Change object size
Control + Cmd + M = Use as mask span
Shift + Cmd + Arrows = Change units by 10
1, 2, 3, 4 = Change vector point style
Editing Layers
Alt = Show distance to other layers
Alt + Cmd = Show distance to other layers inside group
Alt + Drag = Duplicate (Repeat with ⌘D)
Alt + Cmd + C = Copy style
Alt + Cmd + V = Paste style
Control + C = Color picker
Cmd + T = Transform
Shift + Cmd + R = Rotate
F = Toggle fill
B = Toggle border
Arranging Layers, Groups and Artboards
Alt + Cmd + ↑ = Bring forward
Control + Alt + Cmd + ↑ = Bring to front
Alt + Cmd + ↓ = Send backward
Control + Alt + Cmd + ↓ = Sent to back
Shift + Cmd + H = Hide
Shift + Cmd + L = Lock
Cmd + R = Rename
Cmd + G = Group layers
Shift + Cmd + G = Ungroup layers
Shift + Tab = Select above layers
Tab = Select layer below
Esc = Select parent artboard
Cmd + F = Find layer by name
Fn + ↑ = Select above page
Fn + ↓ = Select page below
A = New Artboard
S = Slice
R = Rectangle
U = Rounded rectangle
O = Oval
L = Line
V = Vector Point
P = Pencil
T = Text
Canvas View
Alt + Tab = Focus on first input field
Cmd (+) + = Zoom in
Cmd (+) - = Zoom out
Cmd + 0 = Actual size
Cmd + 1 = Center canvas
Cmd + 2 = Zoom selection
Cmd + 3 = Center selection
Control + R = Toggle rulers
Control + G = Toggle grid
Control + L = Toggle layer guides
Control + P = Toggle pixels
Control + H = Toggle selection handles
Control + X = Toggle pixel grid
§ = Temporary zoom to actual size
Alt + Cmd + 1 = Toggle layers list
Alt + Cmd + 2 = Toggle inspector
Alt + Cmd + 3 = Toggle layers, inspector
Alt + Cmd + T = Toggle toolbar
Cmd + ~ = Toggle between documents
Cmd + . = Presentation mode
Control + Cmd + F = Enter fullscreen
Cmd + B = Bold
Cmd + I = Italic
Cmd + U = Underline
Alt + Cmd (+) + = Increase font size
Alt + Cmd (+) - = Decrease font size
Alt + Control + L = Increase character spacing
Alt + Control + T = Decrease character spacing
Cmd + T = Change font
Cmd + Shift + { = Align left
Cmd + Shift + | = Align center
Cmd + Shift + } = Align right
Control + Cmd + Space = Special characters
Shift + Cmd + O = Convert text to outlines
Editing Shapes
Alt + Cmd + U = Union
Alt + Cmd + S = Substract
Alt + Cmd + I = Intersect
Alt + Cmd + X = Difference
Cmd + Alt = Keep current selection
Cmd + Arrows = Change object size
Control + Cmd + M = Use as mask span
Shift + Cmd + Arrows = Change units by 10
1, 2, 3, 4 = Change vector point style
Editing Layers
Alt = Show distance to other layers
Alt + Cmd = Show distance to other layers inside group
Alt + Drag = Duplicate (Repeat with ⌘D)
Alt + Cmd + C = Copy style
Alt + Cmd + V = Paste style
Control + C = Color picker
Cmd + T = Transform
Shift + Cmd + R = Rotate
F = Toggle fill
B = Toggle border
Arranging Layers, Groups and Artboards
Alt + Cmd + ↑ = Bring forward
Control + Alt + Cmd + ↑ = Bring to front
Alt + Cmd + ↓ = Send backward
Control + Alt + Cmd + ↓ = Sent to back
Shift + Cmd + H = Hide
Shift + Cmd + L = Lock
Cmd + R = Rename
Cmd + G = Group layers
Shift + Cmd + G = Ungroup layers
Shift + Tab = Select above layers
Tab = Select layer below
Esc = Select parent artboard
Cmd + F = Find layer by name
Fn + ↑ = Select above page
Fn + ↓ = Select page below
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